Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is American Idol Rigged?

I remember seeing the Utah Jazz time and time again almost getting to the NBA championship, but always coming up a bit short. There was talk of the NBA Championship being rigged. The NBA and the media wanted the teams that would bring in the most revenue in the finals. Indeed this same scenario has been mentioned by conspiracy theorists with regards to almost all professional and college sports. There has alwlays been talk of fixed fights in the boxing world and other popular events.

Now we find the same phenomena occuring with American Idol, and no doubt, other reality TV shows. Here is a link to the latest such story: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/03/17/2009-03-17_american_idol_chatter_foursees_finalists.html

It is sad, but all of this is believable. I would like to think everything is done fairly, but I'm probably a bit nieve. It's X-File(ish), but can't you just picture a smoke filled room of powerful men and women working this all out?

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