Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Country Surprise on Idol

I really wasn't looking forward to this episode when I heard it was going to be country music. I used to hate country music. However, I've come to appreciate much of it now. I think there is more truth in country music. The songs are about God, family, and country. There are a lot of modern country songs that have a very inspiring message. It is the complete opposite of many other genres where the lyrics are about sex, violence, and disrespect.

The 11 performances were all outstanding in my mind. I think many of the contestants gave their best performance to date. I can't really think of anyone I'd like to see go home. I like some more than others, but I think there is some real talent in this group.

Randy Travis was a very country gentleman. I think his evaluation of each number was relevant.

The judges didn't seem to like the performances very much. Simon really detests country music, so I'm sure it was difficult for him to find many excellent moments. It was a big surprise for me, because I actually enjoyed an episode dedicated to the Grand Ole Opry.

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