Thursday, May 14, 2009

Could Kris Allen Actually Beat Adam Lambert?

Add ImageFor weeks and weeks Adam has been the designated Idol for season 8. Simon has picked him as the winner. His performances have been nearly flawless. Kara called him a rock god. However, Kris has peaked at just the right time. He is charming, talented, and reminds us of the kid next door. There is an element that does not like Adam. There are those that can't get past the make up, the jewelry, the painted fingernails, the edgey look, the hard side. Many of those people may vote for Kris now that Danny is gone. Kris has his own legion of loyal fans, and if enough of Danny's fans now switch over to Kris, he could swing the vote. My money (if I had any) would still be on Adam, but for the first time, I can actually see Kris as the new American Idol.

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