Wednesday, May 6, 2009

America Rocked the Vote!

Wow, I should have more faith in the voters! Despite rock being her thing, despite the duet with Adam, America got it right and left the 3 best contestants in the game. I don't think anybody needs to feel sorry for Allison. She's only 17 years old. She's virtually guaranteed a great record deal, and she's got millions of fans already.

I'm looking forward to home week. With the judges picking one song for each contestant, they can't say "You chose the wrong song". Of course they can always make a poor choice on the other song--the one they pick, but I think Adam, Danny, and Kris will put on a great show.

Was anybody else surprised that Paula Abdul didn't fall on her tush like Madonna always does lately?

One more thought on Slash... Is he the only floppy hair rocker that hasn't been married to Pamela Anderson?

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